Breaking free from Mecanim with IK rigs

Chip says “Hello!”

I have used mecanim animations for so long. I use to generate them. They are truly great. One of my favorite tricks is to clip the animations to just a few frames and loop them in unity. I can use the base animation to transition from their last clip to the new loop. So it starts with movement and ends in a still loop. It is a quick way to make simple animation systems. But that can only take you so far.

IK (or Inverse Kinematics) is a rigging system that sits on top of your existing “baked in” animation. It has a few quirks and I am still learning so I won’t explain everything I am doing. Instead I will point to the resources I am using to learn.

Intro to IK:

Unity official documentation:

I am just using the “Two Bone IK constraint” on Chip’s arms, legs and head. I feel like it isn’t optimal yet, but it works for the most part.

The one gotcha I came across is moving the ‘hint’ points with the ‘target’ points. I found this to be important and difficult.

Also, today is the first day of the 32 Bit Spring Cleaning game jam! Good luck to everyone participating =D

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May 11, 2023 << Pre Jam 35 MB
May 11, 2023

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(1 edit)

So far so good! I had to remake all of my animations from scratch, but that is ok. Sometimes that is just what ya gotta do!

(1 edit)

I replaced the “Two Bone IK Constraint” on the head with a “Twist Constraint” that targets the “Neck” to “Spine1”