Hey Trainee! I heard you are starting today. Meet me in the parking lot outside the park. I have a challenge for you. Ya know that mountain in the park? I wanna see if you can collect all of the animal badges and make it to the top.  Oh, and as an added bonus, see if you can climb that giant tree while you are at it.
Think you can beat the other rangers' times? Good luck!

- Ranger Ricky

Check the large signs to see the leaderboard for each goal.

Keyboard and Controller supported.
WASD to move
Mouse to look
Space to jump
Left CTRL (or L+R Bumpers) to focus camera on player

If you press the "~" key, it opens the console.
Type mx,# to change the sensitivity.
mx,10 will be slow
mx,1000 will be very sensitive

Originally made for Score Jam 26.


All textures, models and sounds were made for  this jam.  The only thing 3rd party were the Mixamo animations used for the character. NekdoNahodny drew the wonderful animal art and even animated them! Goro von Bismark made the tree models, the grass sprites , the fishing rod and the bridges.  DevEarley (me) made the basemap  3d model and the textures for it as well as the programming and music. We used the (unreleased) AsFunAsFun boilerplate for Unity3d.


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RR1.0.1.8_win.zip 36 MB

Development log


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Whats this boilerplate u mentioned? Is it like a 3d platformer framework?

It isn’t specific to platforming. It has a ton of features. It has a “Sprite Font” system, a 2d button system, a console (like you would see in DOOM), data management, music and sound management, and a runtime for a scripting language that I have been developing.

It is still an early WIP. It has been a pain trying to get it to play nice with WebGL. Hopefully after I have participated in a few more jams it will be ready and I can release it.


Oh interesting! Does it run on top of Unity3D? For the scripting language is there a reason you aren't just reusing C# or Lua?

Just incase you aren't aware, iOS doesn't allow non-AOT code. I'm not sure how much that ultimately effects you.

(3 edits)

Oh interesting! Does it run on top of Unity3D?

Yup. It is written in c#

iOS doesn’t allow non-AOT code

It’s a text file in the Assets folder and it is referenced in the inspector so it should be good. The runtime engine is very lightweight and is consists of a MonoBehaviour and a static helper class. The syntax is very easy to write and it’s basically just splitting the string on newline and processing each line during the update loop. If one of the lines contains a keyword like .wait[20] it will spin for 20 ms before moving to the next line. There are a bunch of keywords like that and the ability to extend it with custom keywords. Nothing groundbreaking. Super simple and easy to extend. I call it Scenario Script.

For the scripting language is there a reason you aren’t just reusing C# or Lua?

The Scenario Scripts should be used in cases where you want to have an interaction with the player via UI. So if you have an NPC with some dialog and maybe it also triggers a cutscene, Scenario Script would be a perfect for that. If you are writing a Player Controller with physics and net code, I would stick to C# / MonoBehaviours in that case.