KaraokeTabs v2 is a go!

Really happy to announce KaraokeTabs v2.

KaraokeTabs V2

Version 2 has been a WIP for two weeks. I focused on responsive design and streamlined each experience. It (should) work well on mobile and ultra-wide monitors. I added a little pop-up menu to the bottom right for song details and file IO. The Import process is simpler (paste and click an import button). The open process is just one click. Edit mode can be toggled on and off.

Version 2 lost the ability to adjust each section. That will come back in a future release. For now, the user will need to re-train the entire song if there are any issues.

Before V1, I created a prototype for KaraokeTabs:

KaraokeTabs Prototype (project name: MEAN Tabs)

Because the design was so distracting, I scrapped the prototype and started again with v1 and uploaded it to itch.io. People seemed to really like it even if it was kinda ugly and thrown together. But it does what it is designed to do: it plays videos in sync with lyrics or tabs. Even if it is ugly, KaraokeTabs is just a really nice tool.

KaraokeTabs v1

Days after I launched Karaoke Tabs v1, it still had around 10 regular users. At its peak it had 1000+ page views in one day (thanks largely to r/Bass <3 ).

Reddit post on r/Bass with 464 Upvotes!

Reddit post on r/Bass with 464 Upvotes!

Plays on the date I posted to reddit

Plays on the date I posted to reddit…

Views on the date I posted to reddit …And Views.

It’s been a really fun process and it is great to see people using my software. It brings a big ol’ smile to my face.

Thanks for reading and for using KaraokeTabs!

P.S. Please post in “Feature Requests” if you have anything you would like me to add in future versions. If you have any issues in “Bugs”.

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